Tinjauan Literatur dan Analisis Hubungan Kerapatan Kontur terhadap Resistensi Batuan Daerah Watukumpul, Kabupaten Pemalang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Daniel Radityo, Adam Raka Ekasara, Hasan Tri Atmojo, Thema Arrisaldi, Dwi Rachmawati


ABSTRAK - Daerah penelitian berada di Kecamatan Watukumpul, Kabupaten Pemalang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah secara administratif, dan terletak di dalam Zona Pegunungan Serayu Utara dan sedikit Gunungapi Kuarter menurut pembagian fisiografi Jawa Tengah oleh Van Bemmelen (1949). Berdasarkan jenis dan keterdapatan batuannya, litologi daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi empat satuan batuan, yang terurut dari tua ke muda yaitu satuan batulempung, satuan batupasir, satuan breksi vulkanik dan intrusi diorit. Struktur geologi yang berkembang umumnya terjadi pada periode tektonik Miosen tengah, berupa struktur lipatan Antiklin Tlagasana dan kekar. Struktur kekar terdiri kekar gerus dan kekar tarik. Geomorfologi dearah penelitian dapat dibedakan menjadi lima satuan yaitu satuan geomorfologi perbukitan struktural agak curam, satuan geomorfologi perbukitan struktural curam, satuan geomorfologi perbukitan denudasional agak curam, satuan geomorfologi perbukitan vulkanik curam, satuan geomorfologi perbukitan intrusi agak curam. Kajian penelitian berupa tinjauan literatur yang menghubungkan antara kerapatan lereng Van Zuidam (1985) terhadap resistensi batuan dalam hal ini berupa kekuatan batuan Price (2009).


Kata kunci: geologi teknik, resisten, kuat tekan, geomorfologi, kontur.


ABSTRACT - The research area is located administratively in the Watukumpul District, Pemalang Regency, Central Java Province, and falls within the Northern Serayu Mountain Zone and the Kuarter Volcanic Quarter according to the physiographic division of Central Java by Van Bemmelen (1949). Based on the type and distribution of rock formations, lithology of the research area can be divided into four rock units, arranged from oldest to youngest, namely the claystone unit, sandstone unit, volcanic breccia unit, and diorite intrusion. Geological structures in the area primarily developed during the middle Miocene tectonic period, consisting of the Anticlinic Tlagasana folding structure and various types of fractures, including shear fractures and tension fractures. The geomorphology of the research area can be distinguished into five units, which are the structural hilly geomorphology with moderately steep slopes, steep structural hilly geomorphology, moderately steep denudational hilly geomorphology, steep volcanic hilly geomorphology, and moderately steep intrusive hilly geomorphology units. The research study involves a literature review that connects the relationship between slope density as proposed by Van Zuidam (1985) and rock resistance, specifically in terms of rock strength as described by Price (2009).


Keywords: engineering geology, resistance, compressive strength, geomorphology, contour.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/jigp.v10i2.11189

DOI (PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)): https://doi.org/10.31315/jigp.v10i2.11189.g5974


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