Biogas Production from Canteen Wastes Using a Vertical Anaerobic Digester

Soeprijanto Soeprijanto, Juzma Ilmahur Mawaddah, Rexy Widya Tauchid, Anfi Reynikha Fatullah, Sashi Agustina


Food waste can cause various environmental problems, one of which is the depletion of the ozone layer because CH4 compounds are produced. Therefore, resolving the problem of food waste can be utilized as alternative energy that can be renewed to replace petroleum, namely biogas. The purpose of this study was to find out the production biogas in an anaerobic digester with the use of canteen food and vegetable wastes in ITS Campus. The first step, digester was introduced cow manure as a starter and was diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1 until the digester was fully filled and then was left for 3 days. Then a mixture of canteen waste with a volume of 1,200 ml per day was introduced to the digester to achieve Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) of 21 for 30 days. The results showed that the largest daily biogas production was 2,026 ml/day using the mixture of rice-green mustard, followed by a mixture of rice and water spinach (1,728 ml/day) and rice-lumps (1,356 ml/day), respectively. The composition of biogas produced from rice-mustard greens: CH4 (75.35%), CO2 (12.17%), H2S (0.72%) and NH3 (0.58%). The composition produced from rice- spinach: CH4 (43.90%), CO2 (21.65%), H2S (0.72%), NH3 (0.74%), while for rice- kale: CH4 (54%); CO2 (12.46%), H2S (1.31%), NH3 (0.36%).


Anaerobic digester; biogas, food waste; HRT; vegetable waste


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