Pelindian Nikel dari Bijih LimonitLow-Grade Pomalaa Menggunakan Pelarut Asam Asetat

Himmah Sekar Eka Ayu Agustina, I MAde Bendiyasa, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Fika Rofiek Mufakir, Widi Astuti


Nickel is a strategic metal in many modern industrial and metallurgical application. Indonesia processes nickel laterite ore of about 15% of total world reserves. This research work deals with the extraction of nickel from a low grade limonitic ore, taken from a deposit located in Pomalaa (Sulawesi), through agitation leaching at atmospheric pressure. Ore characterisation was performed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF). Showing that 2,651% nickel that geothite are the main mineral. The metal extraction from low-grade limonitic ore is affected by the mineralization of the ore in addition operating condition are also varied in this study including temperature (30oC,60oC,90oC), acid concentration (25%,50%,75%) and particle size (-70+100 mesh, -100+200 mesh, -200 mesh) to investigated the leaching performance. In comparison to that of inorganic acid (HCl) used in this study, acetic acid provide a potential to be applied in the extraction of metals from low grade limonitic ore.

Kata Kunci

Nickel, Leaching, Low Grade Limonitic Ore, Acetic Acid, Organic Acid

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Program Studi Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta